
Be rewarded for proactive health and safety in the workplace

Employee feedback is a key/vital element of the Andor Technology Health & Safety Policy.

To assist with this, all incidents of near misses or dangerous occurrences must be notified and recorded to allow them to be fully investigated and prevent future accidents.

Submit Incident Report

A Safe Workplace is Everyone’s Responsibility

To encourage employee participation, all formal feedback received will be reviewed/assessed on a quarterly basis, with the one having the greatest potential to prevent future accidents receiving a £50 voucher.

Incident Report forms can also be found at: X:/OHSAS18001-Health & Safety/Forms/FM Incident Report Form


Whenever you see a near miss or dangerous occurrence which could hurt someone, you have a responsibility to protect others from it.


If you are able to fix the problem yourself, isolate it and point it out so that it can't cause an injury to a colleague in the workplace.


Whether you were able to fix the problem or not, it still needs to be reported so the chances of it happening again are minimised.

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