

What if you had all our global knowledge and experience in the palm of your hand?

Optimise the way you work with LiveAssist. Gain instant access to our global service and support Professionals to optimise your analyses and assist with any technical issues or queries that you may have. Partnering with you to ensure you get the right results: first-time and every time.

Enhance your Andor experience with our agile service offering.  LiveAssist evolves with your requirements, so that you always get the most from your systems.

Instant virtual presence, with immediate guidance
Empowering you with our knowledge and support
Access to the experts within the global team
✓ Global real time network
✓ Maximised uptime
Minimised operating costs
Virtual in-lab training available
Virtual in-lab assistance giving the support professional the complete 360 lab view

Be Fast. Live. Connected.


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