
Camera Upgrade for Super Resolution

Enhance the capabilities of your Dragonfly confocal system by adding the power of live-cell compatible, on the fly, “trouble-free” super-resolution imaging with SRRF-Stream upgrade.

Upgrade your Zyla camera to an iXon or a Sona and add a SRRF-Stream licence.

  • Take advantage of live-cell compatible super-resolution imaging.
  • Benefit of the on-the-fly super-resolution.
  • Gain from easy, trouble-free sample preparation.
  • Acquire super-resolved images deep inside cells and tissues.
  • Achieve super-resolved images at full field of view as fast as two frames per second.

You do not need a super-resolution devoted system. Upgrade your Dragonfly and get affordable and painless super-resolution imaging. See the hidden details behind the diffraction limit of light!

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