有关: 光子学
Newton 920 has ability to acquire over 1600 spectra per second, with -100°C cooling and the widest range of sensor options, makes the Newton spectroscopic CCD the highest performing…
Andor’s new Mechelle ME5000 Echelle spectrograph has been designed to provide simultaneous recording of a wide wavelength range (200-975 nm) in one acquisition. It has no moving components…
The innovative USB 3.0 iStar sCMOS boasts frame rates at least 50% faster than competing CCD or interline platforms (at equivalent pixel matrix size), while offering intrinsically low…
Zyla 4.2 PLUS is the latest sCMOS technology advancement from Andor. At its heart, Zyla 4.2 PLUS benefits from latest generation sCMOS sensor technology, delivering a further 10 % boost…
The scientific grade, 1024 x 255 high speed spectroscopy CCD camera is ideally suited to rapid analysis, multi-channel and low-light applications including fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy.…
配备77 K 液氮腔。样品处于真空中。
The Andor Solis (t) software platform is the option for time resolved work and has additional features to enable control of the iStar camera range. Applications include Laser Induced…
With detection capabilities ranging from UV to the Long Wave IR (LWIR) region through a comprehensive range of single point detectors - including PMTs, PbS and MCT, Solis Scanning offers…
The Newton 940 spectroscopic CCD camera series utilizes a 1024 x 255 or 2048 x 512 array of 26 µm or 13.5 µm pixels, with thermoelectric cooling down to -100°C, resulting in negligible…
Newton 970 offers Unrivalled EMCCD performance for spectroscopic applications. It utilizes a 1024 x 255 or 2048 x 512 array of 26 µm or 13.5 µm pixels, with thermoelectric cooling down…
Andor iDus InGaAs 491 array series provide the most compact and optimized research-grade platform for Spectroscopy applications up to either 1.7 or 2.2 μm. The Thermo-Electrically cooled,…
The Andor Shamrock SR-750 is based on Czerny-Turner optical design. The Shamrock is available as a pre-aligned detector/spectrometer option allowing for seamless integration of software,…
Andor’s iStar 320T intensified CCD camera series are designed to offer the ultimate integrated detection solution for high resolution, ns-scale time-resolved Spectroscopy. It offers…
Andor’s iStar 340T Intensified CCD sensor series is designed to offer the ultimate integrated detection solution for high resolution, ns-scale time-resolved Spectroscopy. The high resolution…
The Andor Shamrock SR-500i imaging spectrometer is based on Czerny-Turner optical design. The optimized optical design provides exceptional performance for multi-track Spectroscopy.The…
采用液氦连续流制冷,最低至2.2 K,具有特殊矩形尾罩,样品处于真空中,适用于光学显微学。
The Andor Software Development Kit (SDK) gives the programmer access to the Andor camera and spectrograph range. The key part of the SDK is the dynamic link library which can be used…
Intelligent and multi-modal spectroscopy platform for Physical and Life science
Andor’s Kymera 193i spectrograph has been designed with research-grade performance, versatility and ease of use in mind. The ‘intelligent’ motorized adaptive focusing allows access…
The Scientific Grade, 1024 x 127 deep depletion spectroscopy CCD camera is ideally suited to rapid analysis, multi-channel and low-light applications including fluorescence and Raman…
77 K液氮低温恒温器,适用于显微光学研究。
Newton 971 - The most sensitive EMCCD spectroscopic detector ever offer you active pixels of 1600*400 alon with 16 x 16 µm Pixel size along with the -100°C TE cooling. It’s variable…
For spectroscopy applications, the Andor Solis (s) is the appropriate software platform. It has been specifically tailored to enable the user to quickly configure their acquisition,…
Andor’s iStar 334T fast gated intensified CCDs series is designed to offer the ultimate integrated detection solution for high resolution, ns-scale time-resolved Imaging. The 1024 x…
配备77 K 液氮腔。样品处于静态交换气中,由顶部装载至恒温器中。
Zyla 5.5 is a large field of view, high resolution 5.5 megapixel sCMOS camera, ideal for research and OEM usage. Zyla 5.5 offers a 100 fps frame rate and ultra-low noise performance,…